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Electronic & Computer Engineering - Sligo

Lifelong Learning

This program concentrates on the hardware and software design of embedded systems. An embedded system is a standalone single-purpose computer system with associated sensors, which is restricted in cost and energy usage. Examples of embedded systems are digital cameras, set top boxes, medical monitoring devices, engine control units.

Award Name Degree - Ordinary Bachelor (Level 7 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body Atlantic Technological University
NFQ Level Level 7 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Ordinary Bachelor (Level 7 NFQ) Major Atlantic Technological University Level 7 NFQ
Course Provider:
Sligo Town
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance
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Number of credits:


2 years part-time, online.

Study Hours
It is recommended that students should try to allow for 5-6 hours per week per five-credit module to their studies.

On-Campus Attendance
One/two days per semester.

Entry Requirements

Merit Grade at Level 6 (Higher Cert) in Electronic Engineering or related discipline. Applicants who have successfully completed the Certificate in Electronics and Automation are also eligible. Applicants with other qualifications and/or with relevant industrial experience will also be considered through the RPL process.

Course Web Page

Further information

Total Fees €6,800

Who should apply?
This programme is suitable for technicians with a Level 6 qualification in electronics or related disciplines looking to up-skill into the Electronics profession.

External Accrediting Body
Engineers Ireland Associate Engineer.

System Design Integration and Test
Digital Signal Processing 301
Digital Signal Processing 302
Embedded Systems 1
Embedded Systems 2
Data Communications
Mobile Applications Programming
Professional Development & Employability
Essential Lean Six Sigma and Validation
Mathematics 3
L7 Final Year Project

Examination & Assessment
A mix of continuous assessment, laboratory exercise and exams.

Course Coordinator: Mary Carden

Course Provider:
Sligo Town
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance
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Course provider
Number of credits: