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New Product Development - Introduction


This course will provide participants with an understanding of food innovation and the new product development (NPD) process. It will introduce topics such as scaling production, shelf life extension and packaging solutions, as well as presenting an overview of regulatory and labelling responsibilities.

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime
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1 day

Entry Requirements

Skillnet Ireland Eligibility Criteria
Participating businesses must be from private enterprise based in the Republic of Ireland. Sole traders are eligible as Member Companies. Skillnet Ireland funding is NOT available to public sector bodies or organisations that are publicly funded such as community-based not-for-profit companies or charities.

Who is this training course designed for?
- Entrepreneurs and small food producers, wishing to build their knowledge in relation to food innovation and new product development.
- Food technologists, brand managers and development chefs working in the food & beverage processing sectors.

Course Web Page

Further information

Next Course: View training schedule via course webpage - link above.
Next Course: Autumn 2024, Teagasc Food Research Centre Ashtown.

The fee for this event is €380 per participant (€247 for those eligible for funding from the Rural Food Skillnet).


Whether you are new to food innovation/new product development or want to improve your pipeline of innovative food products, this training course will introduce you to a wide range of best practice methods and real life case studies.

What will I learn if I attend?
-Understand the Food Innovation/New Product Development (NPD) process and the different stages involved and apply it within your business/workplace.
-Be aware of the stages involved from idea generation to scale up to running production trials.
-Understand what affects the shelf-life of food products, how to potentially extend shelf-life and how to instigate trials.
-Be aware of the range of packaging solutions available.
-Obtain an overview of your regulatory and labelling responsibilities
-Gain an understanding of the nutritional and health claims you may be in a position to use for your products.
-Learn about Teagasc expertise and the analytical and scale up facilities available for use by food businesses.
-The experiences of a successful Food Entrepreneur in starting a new food business, developing innovative products and scaling their business and product offerings.

Format of the event
This interactive training course will be delivered using a mix of presentations, breakout and Q & A sessions. It will be facilitated by Teagasc NPD and Sensory experts, with further input from Teagasc Food Industry Development staff and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. A successful food entrepreneur will also bring us through their business and product development journey.

Course Venue
This course will be delivered at Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin.

Ashtown Food Research Centre,
Dublin 15.
Phone: 01 8059500

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime
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