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CBT for weight loss

Lifelong Learning
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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8 weeks. Wednesday 8.00 - 9.15pm will move online if restrictions

Further information

For next start date / enrolment of night classes view


CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for weight loss:

This course will use CBT theory and techniques to help you loose weight, and keep it off.

If you have tried many diets before but found it difficult to stay motivated; if after a few weeks you give up and gain most or all of the weight you lost back on, this course is for you. We will show you how to stay motivated, stop that inner sabotaging voice, deal with triggers and emotional eating and give you nutritional guidelines that will keep you full and stop cravings.

The CBT Approach
How we think has a huge influence on how we feel and ultimately goes on to affect what we do and how things are going to turn out for us. In this way, how you think affects how you eat.

It is not just the situations you find yourself in, or the things that happen to you, that determine how you feel and react. It is how you perceive, or evaluate, those situations. Think about how empowering this is! If we can learn to think differently, we can interpret situations realistically and helpfully!

Then we change how we feel, how we behave, and how we eat.

Thinking and Eating…They’re Related!
Any realistic diet will work as long as you have the right attitude, which is where CBT for weight loss can benefit. The CBT for weight loss programme can help you to choose appropriate foods and use suitable eating behaviours. These will become consistent and permanent by learning to make long-lasting changes to the way that you think.

Research shows that the most effective weight loss programmes are more than simple diets. Successful programmes combine diet, exercise, and psychological intervention. Further recent research emphasises that including a psychological element considerably improves the results.

CBT is more effective than diet and exercise regimes on their own because it works at the underlying core issues which perpetuate these gain loss cycles. By treating the underlying causes of these patterns clients are appreciably less prone to relapse.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Weight Loss is very different from other attitudes and programmes to weight loss. It is a psychological programme and not a food plan. You are not told what to eat but can select your own nutritional diet (we however have our own in-house advice which can assist in this regard).

Any realistic diet will work as long as you have the right attitude, which is where CBT for weight loss can benefit. The CBT for weight loss programme can help you to choose appropriate foods and use suitable eating behaviours. These will become consistent and permanent by learning to make long-lasting changes to the way that you think.

You'll find more information on the tutor's website.

Tutor: Maretta Byrne

Continuous assessment.

It is planned to run most courses face-to-face (within Covid-19 restrictions). Some courses will be switched to online learning if required. Those which cannot be completed face-to-face will be cancelled, and participants will relieve a refund for classes which have not been completed. See comments section for courses which will be delivered online if/when restrictions are in place.

In the interest of everyone's health, in-person classes will be run in accordance with St Tiernan's Adult Education Covid protocols, including maximised ventilation (windows will be open, so please wrap up warm), mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, hand sanitizing and regular cleaning of surfaces. We ask that you do not attend classes if you are feeling unwell or have tested positive for Covid-19 (or other communicable illness).

Enrolment policies and other information:

1. Courses will only be run if there are sufficient enrolment numbers.

2. Course enrolment for a particular course may only be secured by full payment of course fee.

3. Where possible, please enrol online using a debit or credit card, well in advance of the start of term. Alternatively, fees canbe paid by credit card over the phone.

4. Fees are payable on enrolment and receipts will be issued (your receipt is your admission to the course).

5. Fees are strictly non-refundable unless the school decides not to run a course, in which case all fees will be refunded by post or credit card.

6. Participants must be at least 16 years old. Where a student under the age of 16 wishes to enrol on a course the school management will consider such application and may at its discretion permit such enrolment.

7. Unless otherwise stated, courses are of ten weeks duration.

8. It is essential that students provide an email address when enrolling, in order toreceive important information regarding the course/ Please opt "in" to receive this important information.

9. Please bear in mind that a reliable internet connection will be required to ensure an enjoyable experience in the class.

Contact Us
Mr Ronan Conneely (Director of Adult Education)
?086 7902260 / 01 2953224

Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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