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Local Government Management


The MA – Local Government Management is a two-year, part-time programme that explores the key issues in local government.

Award Name Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 9 NFQ
Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 9 NFQ
Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime, Weekend, Blended
Qualification Letters:
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Course provider


Two academic years.

Delivery Method
In the first year of the programme, students attend seminars/webinars on three weekends in each semester. In the second year, they attend three seminars/webinars in the first semester and then, in the second, prepare, under expert supervision, a minor dissertation. They are supported in their studies by a range of resources, including bespoke course material and module textbooks.

Entry Requirements

Admission Requirements
Applicants must have a primary degree or equivalent qualification.

Careers / Further progression

Students may enter the first year of the MA (Postgraduate Diploma) in September or January. Those who enter in September can, on successful completion of the academic year, proceed to the second year. Those who enter in January can finish within the calendar year and proceed to the second year the following September.

Further information

Commences: September 2024

The cost of the programme is €5,700 per annum, payable in two instalments.

Fees cover seminars, IPA texts, essential textbooks, and matriculation and examination charges. When fees are being paid by the participant’s employer, the IPA will invoice the fee for each semester separately.

Note on Fees: Fees may increase slightly from year to year. Where this occurs, continuing students will be charged the increased fee.

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Download the programme application form and complete it in full.

Email that form, along with all the items below, to, with the subject heading: Application for: Name of Programme. The items below must be scanned and included as attachments in the email:

A passport-type photograph.
A scan of your degree or relevant qualification.
The semester fee OR a letter from your employer confirming that fees will be paid directly to the IPA.

Places on the programmes are limited and demand for places is likely to exceed the number available. Consequently, you are strongly advised to apply as early as possible.

Accreditation: National University of Ireland
Place on NFQ: Level 9 (Major Award).
Award: Master of Arts
Interim Award: Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management

The MA – Local Government Management is a two-year, part-time programme that explores the key issues in local government. It seeks to raise the level of analysis in Irish local government management and to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective management in the local government field. On completing the first year of the programme, students receive the interim award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management.

Is This Programme For You?
This programme will be of great interest to local authority officials working across a variety of sectors. It combines core public management subjects and those that are specific to local government in Ireland. Delivered through a blend of distance education and intensive weekend seminars and workshops at the IPA, it can be taken from anywhere.

Year One
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management
The first year of the MA programme is divided into two semesters and each semester is devoted to the study of three subjects:

Semester One
- Economics
- Managing Human Resources
- Finance

Semester Two
- Organisation and Strategy
- Research Methods
- Managing Service Delivery/ Managing in Europe

Year Two
Semester One
Local Government Policy Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation
This course explores theories on the role of local government in the policy process. It focuses on five key themes: policy making and strategic planning, community and networks, service delivery, the regulatory environment, and organisation and change. A case study on housing is also included.

Local Government Financial Management and Accountability
This course considers the particular financial management considerations that apply to local government in Ireland. Among the topics addressed are the sources of funds available to local government, budget management and financial governance.

Leadership and Management
In this module, students will explore how theories and practices current in both public and private sectors can apply to local government management. It examines strategy and strategic thinking, leadership and learning in a strategic context, changing organisational culture, and performance management.

Semester Two
In the second semester of year two, students write a dissertation on a specific local government management issue. Students must successfully complete the taught courses before moving to the dissertation phase.

The programme is assessed by means of assignments, examinations and a minor dissertation.

Tel: +353 1 240 3600

Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime, Weekend, Blended
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider