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Health Economics

Lifelong Learning

The Professional Diploma in Health Economics is a one-year, part-time programme that examines the economics of healthcare provision.

Award Name Special Purpose Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 8 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Diploma (Level 8 NFQ) Special Purpose National University of Ireland Level 8 NFQ
Attendance Options:
Blended, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider


One academic year

Delivery Method:
The programme is delivered through a blended learning model. Students attend seminars/webinars and are supported in their studies by extensive online resources and bespoke course material.

Entry Requirements

Applicants Require:
1. Leaving Certificate (examination from 2017 onwards): Candidates must obtain a pass in at least six subjects accepted for NUI matriculation purposes, with at least Grade H5 in two subjects on the Higher Level and at least Grade H7 (Higher Level) or O6 (Ordinary Level) in four subjects. Papers passed must include Irish, English and a third language. Students applying for the BBS (Hons) must have passed the Mathematics paper.


2. Students of mature years (students over 21 on January 1 of the calendar year of entry) may be matriculated by the IPA for the purpose of entering a course of study.

Special Case Applications
Prospective students who do not meet the requirements under paragraphs 1 and 2 above may qualify for admission by meeting other equivalent requirements. A Special Case Application Form can be requested from:

Dr Denis O’Brien
Institute of Public Administration
57-61 Lansdowne Road
Dublin 4
Tel: +353 (01) 240 3600

Subject Accumulation
In some programmes, students may enrol for one or more subjects each year until they complete the programme stage.

Graduates and those with other relevant awards, in particular university, QQI and Technological University awards, may apply for an exemption from a subject(s) or entire stages of certain IPA programmes. Only those who have studied relevant disciplines with be considered for exemptions. Exemptions cannot be awarded in a one-year programme or at the award stage of longer programmes.

Application forms for exemptions are available from the IPA. They must be completed and returned no later than early October 2024. Applications must be accompanied by transcripts of results for each year of previous third-level studies.

Careers / Further progression

Graduates can enter the second year of the BA (Hons) on completion of a bridging programme.

Course Web Page

Further information

Commences: September/October 2024.

The cost of the programme is €2,650 per annum (includes all matriculation and examination fees), payable in two instalments.

Application Deadline: September 2024.

How to Apply:
1. Go to
2. Download the programme application form and complete it in full.
3. Email that form, along with all the items below, to, with the subject heading: Application for: Name of Programme. The items below should be scanned and included as attachments in this email:
- A passport-type photograph.
- A scan of your passport, driver’s license, or birth certificate.
- The fee for the programme or confirmation, including a PO number, that fees will be pad by an employer.
- A scan of your Leaving Certificate or relevant qualification (only if you are under 21).


The programme:
The Professional Diploma in Health Economics is a one-year, part-time programme that examines the economics of healthcare provision. There is a palpable need for those interested in healthcare in Ireland to understand the economic rationale behind the allocation of resources in this vital sector. To meet this need, the Professional Diploma explores the fundamentals of economics, the distinctive features of healthcare economics and the different mechanisms for evaluating spending on healthcare.

Expressly designed for those who want to obtain a nationally recognised qualification while remaining in work, the Professional Diploma in Health Economics is delivered through a blend of scheduled webinars/seminars, online resources, and programme texts.

Is this programme for you?
How to provide good-quality healthcare in the most efficient manner remains a source of contentious debate around the world. This programme will be of great benefit to anyone working in healthcare provision in Ireland. No prior knowledge of economics is presumed.

Students of this programme are very often:
- Front-line medical staff
- Employees of pharmaceutical companies
- Healthcare administrators from the public and private sectors
- Department of Health Staff

The Fundamentals of Applied Economics: This module seeks to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the central principles of applied economics. Equipped with this knowledge, students will be able to properly comprehend the policy choices available in the allocation of resources to healthcare. Among the topics addressed are supply and demand, the role of the market, consumer behaviour, competition and generating profit.

Health Economics:
This module builds on the knowledge that students gained in the Fundamentals module by examining the distinctive features of healthcare economics. Students will learn about the particular economic issues that are integral to this sector. Among the topics addressed are the demand for healthcare, how healthcare is paid for, the role of insurers, the regulation of healthcare professionals and public vs. private provision of healthcare.

An Introduction to Healthcare Evaluation Techniques:
This module addresses the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare interventions. Students will address the techniques that have been advanced to evaluate healthcare spending. Among the topics addressed are how to measure effectiveness in healthcare, cost-benefit analysis, cost of illness studies and cost minimisation analysis.

Students complete written assignments and sit final examinations in each module.

All Correspondence and enquiries should be address to:
Undergraduate Office,
Whitaker School of Government and Management,
Institute of Public Administration,
57-61 Lansdowne Road,
Dublin D04 TC62, Ireland
Telephone: +353 (01) 240 3600

Attendance Options:
Blended, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider