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Botany - Plant Science - Research


Plants are the ultimate solar-powered biological systems selected by evolution. Botany and Plant Science conduct research on plants at all levels, including ecosystems, communities, species, individuals, tissues, cells and molecules (e.g., genetics, biochemistry).

Award Name Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 9 NFQ
Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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Course Code: MSC-BOTY

MSc (full-time)
MSc (part-time)

Entry Requirements

Candidates for the degree of PhD or MSc by research must have reached a high honours standard (minimum H2.2 [or equivalent international qualification] for an MSc) at the examination for the primary degree or presented such other evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of his/her fitness.

Course Web Page

Further information

Fees: EU €5,750 p.a. (€5,890 including levy) 2024/25
Fees: Non EU €15,000 p.a. (€15,140 including levy) 2024/25

Extra Information
EU Part time: Year 1 €4,250 p.a. (€4,390 including levy) 2024/25
All students, irrespective of funding, must pay the student levy of €140.

Course Code: MSC-BOTY
Applications are made online via the NUI Galway Postgraduate Applications System

Plants are the ultimate solar-powered biological systems selected by evolution. Botany and Plant Science conduct research on plants at all levels, including ecosystems, communities, species, individuals, tissues, cells and molecules (e.g., genetics, biochemistry). We investigate many types of plants including algae (e.g., seaweeds, diatoms), mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and flowering (seed) plants, including wild plants, model genetic organisms (e.g., Arabidopsis) and cultivated plants (e.g., crops, forestry). Plant research is the key biosciences topic for future sustainable development, particularly in developing countries.

Genetics and Biotechnology: plant biotechnology, genetics, epigenetics, genomics, genetic engineering, genetic resources, bioinformatics, biosciences policy; plant biosciences for food security and sustainable development (developing countries).

Paleoenvironmental Research: paleobotany; long-term environmental change (e.g. 15,000 years); climate change and human impact.

Terrestrial Plant Ecology: conservation of threatened plants and habitats in Ireland; climate change; biodiversity; turlough and callows ecosystems; low intensity farming; rare vascular plants and bryophytes; coastal ecology.

Algal and Aquatic Plant Ecophysiology: environmental and anthropological impact on marine and freshwater algae and plants; climate change; biodiversity; utilization; stress physiology; ecotoxicology.

Plant and Algal Glycoscience: plant cell wall composition, evolution and functional analysis; cell wall component roles in growth, development and defense against pathogens; manipulation for crop protection and novel uses.

Síle Mhic Donncha (mornings only)
T +353 91 492 340

Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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