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Bioinformatics - Structured


This general discipline within the School has an expanding research activity with postgraduate students (PhD and MSc) and postdoctoral researchers frequently involved in collaborative projects with other researchers at University of Galway, elsewhere in Ireland and overseas.

Award Name Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 10 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 10 NFQ
Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider


Structured PhD Bioinformatics - 4 years full-time.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible to enter on a programme of study and research for the degree of PhD you must have reached a high honours standard at the examination for the primary degree or presented such evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of your fitness.

Course Web Page

Further information

Fees: EU
€5,750 p.a. (€5,890 including levy) 2024/25
Fees: Non EU
€15,000 p.a. (€15,140 including levy) 2024/25
Extra Information

EU Part time: Year 1 €4,250 p.a. (€4,390 including levy) 2024/25

All students, irrespective of funding, must pay the student levy of €140.

Applications are made online via the NUI Galway Postgraduate Applications System.

Course Overview
All PhD students in the College of Science will enrol in a Structured PhD.

This general discipline within the School has an expanding research activity with postgraduate students (PhD and MSc) and postdoctoral researchers frequently involved in collaborative projects with other researchers at University of Galway, elsewhere in Ireland and overseas.

This relatively new discipline involves computational and statistical modelling and analysis of largescale biomolecular data. Bioinformatics research is inherently interdisciplinary and could appeal to students from molecular life science (e.g. biochemistry), chemistry, physics, engineering, statistics or mathematics. Current work includes modelling viral evolution, discovery of human polymorphisms that affect gene expression or mRNA splicing, and genome informatics, including algorithm development and functional genomics/epigenomics.

Research Areas
Current work includes modelling viral evolution, discovery of human polymorphisms that affect gene expression or mRNA splicing, and genome informatics, including algorithm development and functional genomics/epigenomics.

More information at:

If you are still looking for a potential supervisor or PhD project or would like to identify the key research interests of our academic staff and researchers, you can use our online portal to help in that search at:

Mary Kelly
T +353 91 492 332

Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider