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The Professional Certificate in Governance is a one-year part-time programme that addresses a key area of concern to professionals in the public and private sectors.

Award Name Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ) Special Purpose National University of Ireland Level 9 NFQ
Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime, Weekend, Blended
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One academic year.

Delivery Method
Students attend seminars/webinars in each term and are supported in their studies by a range of resources, including online course material and a core textbook.

Entry Requirements

Admission Requirements
Applicants must have a primary degree or equivalent qualification.

Further information

Commences: September 2024

The cost of the programme is €3,000 per annum, payable in two instalments.

Fees cover seminars, IPA texts, essential textbooks, and matriculation and examination charges. When fees are being paid by the participant’s employer, the IPA will invoice the fee for each semester separately.

Note on Fees: Fees may increase slightly from year to year. Where this occurs, continuing students will be charged the increased fee.

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Download the programme application form and complete it in full.

Email that form, along with all the items below, to, with the subject heading: Application for: Name of Programme. The items below must be scanned and included as attachments in the email:

A passport-type photograph.
A scan of your degree or relevant qualification.
The semester fee OR a letter from your employer confirming that fees will be paid directly to the IPA.

Places on the programmes are limited and demand for places is likely to exceed the number available. Consequently, you are strongly advised to apply as early as possible.

Accreditation: National University of Ireland
Place on NFQ: Level 9 (Special Purpose Award).

The Programme
The Professional Certificate in Governance is a one-year part-time programme that addresses a key area of concern to professionals in the public and private sectors. Governance is a subject used in several contexts and is a subject of much debate in Ireland and elsewhere. This programme examines governance as a set of structures and processes used in arriving at and implementing decisions.

Addressing such topics as the role and responsibilities of governing bodies and boards, the performance and accountability of directors, assurance arrangements, fiduciary responsibilities, executive and non-executive functions and reserved functions of boards, the Certificate explains the principles of governance and the constituent elements of ‘good’ governance. In short, graduates will have authoritative knowledge of the principles and practice associated with decision-making and control in organisations.

Students receive comprehensive course material and attend seminars at the IPA campus in Dublin 4. The lecturing team includes experienced governance specialists and practitioners. Study groups and peer interaction are facilitated and encouraged.

Is This Programme For You?
Yes, if you wish to obtain a professional qualification in a field of contemporary and enduring relevance and to advance your own understanding of the principles and practice under which commercial, non-commercial, State and public benefit organisations operate. The well-publicised governance, ethical and audit problems that defined the global financial crisis have clearly shown that there is a palpable need for board members, senior managers, administrators and policy-makers to critically assess the governance arrangements in place for particular sectors or organisations. This part-time programme will enable graduates to assess and enhance the governance mechanisms that operate in organisations and to clearly articulate and put in practice the ideas that lie behind the rhetoric of governance.

Programme Content
- Principles of Governance
- Governance in the Public and Private Sectors
- Governance of Agencies
- Governance Roles and Responsibilities
- Best Practice and Professional Models
- Ethics
- Performance and Accountability
- Audit and Assurance
- Control and Risk Management
- Assessing Good Governance

Students are assessed on the basis of an assignment, a project and an examination.

Tel: +353 1 240 3600

Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime, Weekend, Blended
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