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Event Management

Lifelong Learning
Award Name Diploma
NFQ Classification
Awarding Body Irish Academy of Public Relations
NFQ Level
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Diploma Irish Academy of Public Relations
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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12 weeks. Thursday 7.30pm - 9.30pm.

Careers / Further progression

The job opportunities are many and varied. On graduation, you also join the international alumni of the Irish Academy of Public Relations. They have graduates in 50 countries around the world _ you are instantly networked!

Course Web Page

Further information

Check out the next start date/enrolment details of evening classes via the college webpage

Maximum of 12 students

€220. (Payment plan option 2 payments of €110 available).

Course Description
Event Management is a dynamic, exciting and varied career. You will be booking venues, working with celebrities, selecting food and entertainment. You will also be responsible for promotion, ticket sales, health and safety, insurance, and crisis management if something goes wrong!

You might be working as a wedding planner or a conference organiser. You could be organising a local sports derby, a nationally televised awards ceremony or the next Olympics. The Events Management industry covers festival organisers, hotel staff in conference & banqueting sections, and charities organising fund raising events. You might be organising an agricultural show or planning a music festival. You could be a self-employed party planner or working for one of the major event management companies.

You could simply be on a committee tasked with organising a number of important events e.g. captain or committee member of the local golf club.

If you love organising, you have just found your niche. Enrol for the Diploma in Event Management

Tutor: Irish Academy of Public Relations.

Course Format: In class with tutor.

Topics: Principles of Event Management, Research, Preparing Proposals, Crisis Management Planning, Seeking Sponsors, Organising the Event, Marketing Tools, Media Tools, Promotional Tools, Specialist Areas, Staffing & Evaluation.

Examination: By project.

Conditions of Enrolment:
1. Some courses will have restrictions on student numbers.

2. Formation of classes depends on demand.

3. If a class is not formed, fees will be returned or transferred to another class by request.

4. If a class is formed, fees will be strictly non-refundable.

5. Some courses may require students to bring their own materials. See website for guidance on course description, materials to bring to class and materials that can be purchased from tutor.

6. Courses may be subject to change. Should this happen students will be contacted in advance.

7. We will contact students should a course not form.

8. Students under the age of 18 are not eligible to enrol for courses with exception of Yoga for Teens.

9. Students will not be permitted to enter the school building before 7.00pm.

10. Student mobile numbers are requested in the event a class is cancelled or changed so information may be texted to students.

11. Please note our Autumn 2022 classes are subject to the guidance issued by the Government and the HSE. In the event of a major resurgence of COVID-19 or a local lockdown, some courses may switch to remote learning, be postponed or cancelled.

Phone: 01-846 0949 between 9am - 4pm.

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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