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Video - Beginners

Lifelong Learning
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10 weeks. Thursday. 7.30pm - 9.30pm.

Will move online if restrictions

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This Beginner's Guide to Video will cover all the essential skills and knowledge needed to create powerful online content - whether for a Vlog, Youtube channel, your business, storytelling, or just capturing family memories. Over the course of ten sessions learners will pick up all the tools necessary to plan and execute a video project.

Course includes in-class practical work and weekly challenges which students can receive feedback on.

Tutor: Adrian Heffernan

About the Tutor
Adrian Heffernan is a professional photographer and videographer graduating from Griffith College in 2008. His work has been featured in RTE Guide, You Magazine, Magpie and Daily Mail. He was a cameraman for Irish Tv Wicklow County Matters. He specialisation is landscapes and portraiture. He shoots commercial photos and videos for small SMES.

Week 1. The Camera - We will learn about how to control light entering the camera using aperture, shutter and ISO. In this class we will also explain exposure, How to use your light meter - different metering modes and the histogram.

Week 2. Composition & Focus - In this two part class we will firstly look at the rules of composition - the rule of thirds, leading lines, the golden ratio, positive & negative space, repeated patterns, We will see how these tools can help us create strong frames in which to tell our story. We will also look at focusing the camera from tried and tested methods like blocking the action to a more run and gun approach.

Week 3. Moving The Camera, Angle Of View & Focal Length - We start this class with camera movement we will look at pan and tilt shots and the importance of strong start and end points. We then look at moving with the camera both hand held and with a steadicam. We will then look at angle of view and how it affects our view of the subject ( Shooting up makes for a powerful representation whereas shooting down makes the subject look powerless ) We will also look at lenses - Wide angle lenses draw us into the environment, telephoto or long focal lengths isolate the subject.

Week 4. Three Minute Project and Sound & Music In this class we introduce the “Three Minute Project” - If students decide to take on this challenge it will be due on the final class. We will also look at sound recording and the different types of microphones available - From shotgun mics to lapel mics, the advantages and disadvantages of each. We will also look at sources of music for your projects and the importance of respecting copyright.

Week 5. Let There be Light - In this class we will look at how to manipulate natural light with a diffuser, bounce light and negative fill. We will also look at lighting techniques with LED panels Rembrandt light, Loop light and 3 point light - These techniques are used in Hollywood movies and in TV interview set ups. In this class we will also talk about magic hour light and why it is so often used in cinema.

Week 6. History of Motion Picture/Frame Rates, Aspect Ratio & File Formats In this class we explore The Lumière Brothers and the Birth of Motion Pictures, Eastman and flexible film to Technicolor and the move to digital capture - We will also look at aspect ratios for 4:3 to 16:9 ( Widescreen ) and 2.33.

Week 7. Editing, Representing Time (Slow Motion and Timelapse) - In this class we will look at the various editing software available Adobe Premiere and its
associated suite of products ( After effects and audition ) Also free options like Davinci Resolve used by many of Hollywood's to movies . We will also look at different ways to represent time slow motion and timelapse.

Week 8. Storytelling / Documentary - A good story needs a beginning, middle and and an end, not only will this keep your viewer interested but it will also help you plan your shoot. Start by brainstorming around the topic, It can provide invaluable ideas for your script. In this class we will discuss different approaches to filmmaking ( moral responsibilities of the documentary filmmaker, tools for script writing...)

Week 9. Colour & Picture Profile LOG and LUT - In this class we will explore the wonderful world of colour, We will look at Canon, Red and Arri colour science and why many filmmakers choose to shoot flat profiles C-Log V-Log and how LUT’s play a part in the final colour grade. We will also explain colour
correction and colour grading.

Week 10. Last class - We view the students work and suggest ways to further there filmmaking we look at film festivals - entry requirements and kino D. workshops.

Students should have a DSLR/video camera with some basic manual control. A computer for editing work would also be desirable.

While Covid restrictions have been lifted, we ask that you continue to show consideration for others and that you do not attend classes if you are feeling unwell or have tested positive for Covid-19 (or other communicable illness).

Enrolment policies and other information:

1. Courses will only be run if there are sufficient enrolment numbers.

2. Course enrolment for a particular course may only be secured by full payment of course fee.

3. Where possible, please enrol online using a debit or credit card, well in advance of the start of term. Alternatively, fees canbe paid by credit card over the phone.

4. Fees are payable on enrolment and receipts will be issued (your receipt is your admission to the course).

5. Fees are strictly non-refundable unless the school decides not to run a course, in which case all fees will be refunded by post or credit card.

6. Participants must be at least 16 years old. Where a student under the age of 16 wishes to enrol on a course the school management will consider such application and may at its discretion permit such enrolment.

7. Unless otherwise stated, courses are of ten weeks duration.

8. It is essential that students provide an email address when enrolling, in order toreceive important information regarding the course/ Please opt "in" to receive this important information.

9. Please bear in mind that a reliable internet connection will be required to ensure an enjoyable experience in the class.

Contact Us
Mr Ronan Conneely (Director of Adult Education)
086 7902260 / 01 2953224

Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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